Dinner Plate Peony: A Fragrant And Stunning Addition To Your Garden 

Dinner Plate Peony: A Fragrant And Stunning Addition To Your Garden 

Close-up of a blooming Dinner Plate peony surrounded by colorful flowers.

Struggling to add a touch of elegance and charm to your garden? Enter the “Dinner Plate” peony, a fragrant stunner resembling roses that will stop you in your tracks. This blog post takes you on a delightful journey, from understanding this blooming beauty’s unique attributes to top tips on growing them healthily in your own yard.

Ready for an enchanting flowering adventure? Read on!

Key Takeaways

  • The Dinner Plate Peony is a fragrant and stunning flower that resembles roses with its double blooms and lush foliage.
  • This peony variety is disease resistant, making it low-maintenance and perfect for any garden.
  • To grow Dinner Plate Peonies successfully, plant them in well – drained soil, provide regular watering and fertilizing, and remove spent blooms for proper maintenance.
  • Enhance the beauty of your garden by pairing Dinner Plate Peonies with recommended companion plants such as garden roses, perennials, flower bulbs, ornamental grasses, trees and shrubs, herbs, groundcovers, climbing plants, annuals or wildflowers.

Description of Dinner Plate Peony

Vibrant bouquet of Dinner Plate Peonies in a lush garden.

The Dinner Plate Peony, introduced in 1968, is a fragrant and stunning flower that resembles roses with its double blooms and lush foliage.

Fragrant and stunning

Dinner Plate Peony puts on a full sensory show, not just visually stunning but also olfactory pleasing. Its soft pink petals explode into blooms that are reminiscent of a well-arranged dinner plate, boasting hints of salmon which create an interesting contrast with the lush dark green foliage.

But what makes it truly remarkable is its scent – delicate yet distinctive. This rose-like aroma wafts through your garden, adding another layer to its allure and making it a much-loved addition in every flower bed or border it graces.

Resembles roses

Dinner Plate Peony’s appearance strikes a remarkable resemblance to the classic rose. Its full-petalled blooms, lush with soft pink petals, mimic the iconic structure of roses. This peony variety goes beyond just a simple likeness in form and color; even its scent holds similarities, exuding a fresh rose-like fragrance that enchants garden visitors.

The similarity extends to Dinner Plate Peony’s foliage as well which mirrors the dense and deep green foliage of roses. The paeonia dinner plate doesn’t only share characteristics but raises them to an entirely new level with its gigantic bloom size – hence its unusual name – making it quite a sight in any landscape design.

Introduced in 1968

The Dinner Plate Peony first graced the gardening scene in 1968. Its introduction was a significant event in horticulture, as this unique peony variety quickly captivated garden enthusiasts with its size and fragrant blooms.

This peony variety boasts longer stems than typical peonies, enhancing its appeal as a cut flower for breathtaking floral arrangements. Over five decades later, it still holds an esteemed place among perennial favorites, testifying to its enduring charm and robust nature- truly worth the wait!

Strong grower with long, strong stems

The Dinner Plate Peony is a strong and robust plant that grows vigorously, thanks to its long and sturdy stems. These stems not only provide support for the large 7″-8″ wide flowers of the peony but also add height and presence to your garden.

With its reliable and durable nature, the Dinner Plate Peony is a fantastic choice for any gardener looking for a strong grower with long, strong stems.

Benefits of Dinner Plate Peony

Photography of a bouquet of peonies surrounded by lush garden foliage.

The Dinner Plate Peony offers fragrant blooms, disease resistance, and robust growth. Discover why it’s been judged Best in Show by the American Peony Society! Read more to learn about this stunning addition to your garden.

Fragrant blooms

The Dinner Plate Peony is renowned for its fragrant blooms that resemble roses. Each bloom of this stunning flower carries a soft rose scent, adding to its allure and charm. The fragrance of the Dinner Plate Peony is one of the reasons it is such a popular choice among garden enthusiasts.

Whether you place it in your garden or use it as cut flowers in a bouquet, these fragrant blooms will surely delight your senses and create a beautiful atmosphere in your outdoor space.

With their lavish petals and intoxicating aroma, the fragrant blooms of the Dinner Plate Peony are truly worth experiencing. As each blossom opens up, the air fills with a delightful scent reminiscent of roses.

These aromatic flowers add an extra dimension to any garden setting, creating an inviting and enchanting ambiance for everyone to enjoy. Whether you’re walking past them on a warm summer evening or stopping to smell their sweet fragrance up close, these blooming wonders will captivate you with their distinct aroma.

Disease resistant

Dinner Plate Peony is prized for its disease resistance, making it a low-maintenance addition to your garden. Unlike other plants that may fall victim to fungal diseases, Dinner Plate Peony, including the herbaceous variety, is generally not bothered by pests and is particularly resistant to botrytis – a common fungal disease that can affect peonies in wet seasons.

With Dinner Plate Peony’s robust nature and ability to resist infections, you can enjoy this stunning flower without having to worry about plant health issues.


The ‘Dinner Plate’ peony is known for its robustness. This variety is disease resistant and a strong grower, meaning it can withstand various conditions. The late-blooming nature of the ‘Dinner Plate’ peony also highlights its robustness in adapting to different weather situations.

With its ability to thrive and grow vigorously, this peony will make a resilient addition to any garden.

Judged Best in Show by the American Peony Society

The Dinner Plate peony has earned the prestigious title of “Best in Show” from the American Peony Society. This means that it has received a first-place award in its respective class and is recognized as one of the top cultivars in their annual flower shows.

With its robust growth, long stems, and stunning blooms, it’s no wonder why this peony variety stands out among the rest.

How to Grow Dinner Plate Peony

To grow Dinner Plate Peony, start by planting it in well-drained soil and providing regular watering and fertilizing. Maintain the plants by removing spent blooms and ensuring proper air circulation.

Extend the blooming season by planting complementary plants and incorporating them into your garden design.

Planting tips

Position the roots of Dinner Plate Peony so that the eyes are 1 inch below the soil surface for proper flowering. Deeper planting may reduce the flowering of Dinner Plate Peony. These peonies prefer full sun but can tolerate some shade if needed.

Plant them in well-drained soil and make sure to water them thoroughly after planting. The shoots typically appear in spring, and you can choose how many bulbs to plant together based on your personal preference.

So go ahead and start creating a stunning display with these fragrant beauties!

Watering and fertilizing

Peonies are relatively low-maintenance plants, but they do require regular watering and occasional fertilizing to thrive. Watering should be done every 10 days or so, ensuring that the soil is evenly moist but not waterlogged.

Overwatering can lead to root rot in tree peonies, so it’s important to strike the right balance. As for fertilizing, applying fertilizer in early summer after blooming has occurred can help promote sturdier stems and bigger blooms.

This is especially beneficial in poor soil conditions. By giving your peonies the proper care they need, you’ll be rewarded with gorgeous flowers year after year.

Maintenance and care

Regular maintenance and care is crucial for keeping your dinner plate peony healthy and thriving. This includes regular watering, with deep and thorough watering recommended every 10 days or so to ensure the plant gets enough moisture.

Peonies also have specific needs when it comes to sunlight and drainage, so make sure they receive 6 to 8 hours of sunlight a day and are planted in an area with good drainage. It’s important to choose the right location that provides ample space for their growth as well.

Proper care extends beyond the garden too – if you plan on putting your peonies in a vase, taking proper care will help them last longer. And if you’re planning on planting peonies, keep in mind that spring is an ideal time to do so!

Extending the blooming season

Planting herbaceous hybrids, species, and woody peonies can extend the blooming season of these beautiful flowers by up to a month. This means that you can enjoy their stunning blooms and intoxicating fragrance for even longer! By carefully selecting different types of peonies that bloom at different times, you can create a succession of color in your garden.

Proper pruning and deadheading also play a crucial role in promoting additional blooms and extending the flowering period. Remember to remove spent flowers promptly to encourage new growth and more blossoms.

With some strategic planning and maintenance, you can savor the beauty of peonies from late April all the way into early June.

Complementary Plants and Garden Design

Enhance the beauty of your garden by pairing Dinner Plate Peony with recommended companion plants and get creative with design ideas to make it a stunning addition to your outdoor space.

Recommended companion plants

Complement your dinner plate peony with these stunning companion plants:

  1. Garden Roses: These classic flowers bloom after peonies, creating a beautiful display of color in your garden.
  2. Perennials: Choose perennials like irises, daylilies, or hostas to provide accents with their unique shapes and textures.
  3. Flower Bulbs: Add tulips, daffodils, or alliums to your garden beds for vibrant pops of color that complement the peony blooms.
  4. Ornamental Grasses: Plant ornamental grasses like feather reed grass or switchgrass to add height and movement to your garden design.
  5. Trees and Shrubs: Consider adding flowering trees such as dogwood or lilac, or shrubs like hydrangeas or viburnums for a layered and visually appealing garden.
  6. Herbs: Incorporate culinary herbs like lavender, sage, or rosemary near your peonies to create a sensory experience with their fragrances.
  7. Groundcovers: Use low-growing groundcovers such as creeping thyme or sedum to fill in gaps between the peonies and create a lush carpet of foliage.
  8. Climbing Plants: If you have a trellis or fence nearby, plant climbing plants like clematis or honeysuckle to add vertical interest and elegance to your garden space.
  9. Annuals: Intersperse annuals like marigolds, zinnias, or cosmos among the peonies for continuous bursts of color throughout the growing season.
  10. Wildflowers: Create a natural look by including native wildflowers such as coneflowers, black-eyed Susans, or milkweed that attract pollinators and enhance biodiversity in your garden.

Design ideas for incorporating Dinner Plate Peony into your garden.

Create a stunning focal point in your garden by incorporating Dinner Plate Peony. With its large, fragrant blooms and lush foliage, this peony variety is sure to catch the eye. To make the most of its impressive size, consider planting it as a centerpiece surrounded by smaller flowers or using it as a backdrop for shorter plants.

The tall stems of Dinner Plate Peony also make it an ideal choice for lining walkways or driveways. For added visual interest and variety, try pairing it with other peonies such as Itoh peonies or choose companion plants that provide contrasting textures and colors throughout the season.

Get creative and design a garden that showcases the beauty of Dinner Plate Peony while adding charm to your outdoor space.


In conclusion, the Dinner Plate Peony is a must-have for any garden lover. Its fragrant and stunning blooms resemble roses, making it a beautiful addition to your outdoor space. With its long, strong stems and disease-resistant nature, this peony is not just a pretty face – it’s also robust and easy to care for.

So why wait? Add the Dinner Plate Peony to your garden today and enjoy its breathtaking beauty for years to come!


Q: How do I plant a dinner plate peony in my garden?

To plant a dinner plate peony, choose a well-drained location with full sun or partial shade. Dig a hole that is wide and deep enough to accommodate the root ball. Place the peony in the hole, making sure the eyes (buds) are facing upward, and cover with soil. Water thoroughly after planting.

Q: When should I plant dinner plate peonies?

Dinner plate peonies can be planted in early spring or fall. It is best to avoid planting during extreme heat or cold, as this can stress the plants. Spring-planted peonies will have time to establish their roots before winter, while fall-planted ones benefit from cool temperatures for root development.

Q: How do I care for dinner plate peonies?

Caring for dinner plate peonies involves watering them regularly during dry spells, providing support for tall stems if needed, deadheading spent flowers to promote blooming, and applying a layer of mulch around the base to help retain moisture and suppress weed growth.

Q: Can I divide my dinner plate peony?

Yes, you can divide your dinner plate peony every few years to rejuvenate the plant and encourage better blooming. The ideal time for division is in early fall after the foliage has died back but before frost sets in. Carefully dig up the plant and use a sharp knife to separate it into sections with healthy buds and roots before replanting them at appropriate distances apart.

Q: I love the look and fragrance of paeonia lactiflora, can I buy dinner plate peony for my garden?

A: Absolutely! You can place your order for peony dinner plate, a type of paeonia lactiflora. The peony is sent as a bareroot for planting during the peony season.

Q: Can pink peonies like the peony dinner plate be worth the wait?

A: Most definitely! Pink peonies such as the peony dinner plate are known for their exquisite beauty. Their petals have hints of salmon and contrast beautifully with the lush green foliage – it’s certainly worth the wait.

Q: How large can the diameter of the dinner plate peony flower grow?

A: The dinner plate peony can impressively grow up to a diameter of about 8-10 inches. It is known to be one of the largest blooming flowers in the peony family.

Q: Are peony dinner plates ideal for bordering a walk or driveway?

A: Perfectly so! The dinner plate is one fine choice due to its beauty and ample size. The flowers not only look stunning but also emit a captivating fragrance, making them ideal for bordering a walk or driveway.

Q: Do dinner plate peonies have long-lived plants?

A: Yes, indeed. The plants grow to become long-lived perennials. With good care, peonies may live up to 50 years or longer. They truly are a lasting investment in your garden’s beauty.

Q: What is the flowering time for dinner plate peony?

A: The peony dinner plate is a midseason bloomer, it usually blooms around 6 weeks in late spring to early summer.

Q: When you say “double flowers” relating to peony dinner plates, what does it mean?

A: Double flowers describe the blooms where the peony petals have developed to create an extra layer or extra layers of petals. These extra petals make the blooms fuller and more dramatic – a signature trait of the dinner plate peonies.

Q: Are the dinner plate peonies dishwasher safe?

A: A bit of humor on our part! The term ‘dinner plate’ actually refers to the large size of the flower bloom. The peony flowers, like all flowers, prefer soil, sun and water to dish soap and hot temperatures. So, no, they’re not dishwasher safe, but they are a feast for eyes in your garden!

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